Sunday 4 November 2012

Research Report Final Conclusion

- Target Audience : Age ( 16 - 25 )
- Social Status : 10,000 rs

Interest & Hobbies

- Friends
- Socializing
- Romance
- Parties

Genre : Teen Movie

Marketing : 
  • Posting on youtube
  • Trailers on movie channels / Youtube / News channel
  • Posters in schools / universities
  • Movie posters in magazines / newspapers
  • Youtube
  • CD's in every shop
  • Screening of our movie in various places e.g Theaters, Cafes, Restaurants
Length : 2 minutes maximum


Location : School
  • Haniya
  • Cherry
  • Tayab
  • Maniha
  • Ali
A guy is a playboy and dates 3 girls at a time, Later on he gets caught and the girls he cheated leaves him.

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