Monday 22 October 2012

Research On Genre

Research On Genre

The genres we have decided to research are: Thriller, Horror, Romantic – Comedy and Teen movies.

  • 1. The narrative of a Thriller Movie is generally based around a crime. For example a serial killer on the loose. The main purpose of a thriller movie is to “Thrill” the audience and leave them in suspense. The suspense is conveyed through sound, editing, mise – en – scene and cinematography. Additionally, thriller movies are usually set in mundane situations where extraordinary events occur. Conventions of the thriller genre.

  • 2. Thriller movies rely on editing to encourage the audience to engage their interest. For example, cross cutting is often used to build up suspense. Cross cutting establishes action occurring at the same time, often in the same time in two different locations. Generally the editing pace goes from one extreme to the other, it is either a fast editing pace to convey that the movie is action packed, or there is often a slow editing pace to create a feeling on tension. Editing

  • 3. Thriller movies rely on both diegetic and non-diegetic sound to add to the suspense in a thriller movie. The non-diegetic scores are generally of a slow tempo which may gradually increase. For example if a character was about to be confronted by a serial killer, the tempo may increase as the serial killer gets closer. Thriller’s often heighten diegetic sounds to increase the feeling of fear too, for instance the sound of a tap dripping water is often used, where the dripping sound gradually increases in volume.

  • 4. The mise-en-scene of the movie can also convey the traditional feelings of fear and suspense found in a thriller movie. For example if the thriller movie was set in an abandoned countryside the location choice would create a feeling of isolation and loneliness. The most intense scenes may also be filmed on a nigh time or low key lighting may be used as these features are associated with fear.

  • 5. Generally all Romantic-Comedy films have the same forms and conventions. For example one of the main conventions is the theme of two opposites attracting in a comical situation. The characters are usually two total opposites in regards to social status who would never normally meet in everyday life situations. There is generally a conflict between the main two characters, they begin to fall for one another but there will be something that’s stopping the two characters from getting together and then this conflict is usually resolved resulting in the two characters getting together.

  • 6. The editing pace is used in romantic-comedies to reflect the thoughts and feelings of the characters. For example when a character is beginning to fall in love, the editing pace will significantly increase to represent that particular characters thoughts and emotions which they are unable to control. During the conflict scenes the editing pace decreases to heighten the feelings of sorrow.

  • 7. Romantic-Comedies generally tend to use non-diegetic scores a lot, the music is usually that of the pop genre and it will relate to the target audience. For example if the movie is a teen-romance then it’s likely that “chart music” will be played, whereas if the movie is aimed towards a slightly older audience classic hits are more likely to be used. The non-diegetic scores are usually played when the characters realise they are falling for one-another and when there is a conflict between the two characters often resulting in a break up.

  • 8. Depending on who the target audience is, the location choice of the romantic comedy may vary. For example, if it is a teen-romance movie it’s likely that the majority of the movie will be set in a high school or college. Whereas if the movie is aimed towards a slightly older audience then it’s likely that the movie will be set in a city. It is important to ensure that the target audience can relate to the location choice as it helps them to create a personal connection with the characters that they can relate to.

  • 9. Horror movies, are movies which encourage the audience to feel emotions of disgust, fear and horror. Horror movies often tie-in with the fantasy genre by including supernatural forces within the movies. Horror movies aim to deal with the audience’s worst nightmares and their worst fears such as: serial killers or an outbreak of a deadly disease, as well as supernatural forces.

  • 10. The editing pace of a horror movie is generally very similar to a thriller movie. The editing pace encourages the audience to feel emotions of terror and fear. For example, cross cutting is often used to build up feeling of terror and fear. Cross cutting establishes action occurring at the same time, often in the same time in two different locations. Generally the editing pace goes from one extreme to the other, it is either a fast editing pace to convey that the movie is action packed, or there is often a slow editing pace to create a feeling on tension

  • 11. Depending on whether the movie is aimed towards a younger generation or an older generation the location choice of the film may vary. For instance, if the movie was aimed towards a younger generation the movie may include a group of high school friends going away on a camping holiday where they are faced with danger. Whereas if the movie was generally aimed towards an older generation the movie may contain a slightly older cast and the location choice would more likely reflect an everyday life situation rather than a camping holiday.

  • 12. Teen films genre targeted at teenagers and young adults in which the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers, such as coming of age, first love, rebellion, conflict with parents, teen angst, and alienation. Often these normally serious subject matters are presented in a glossy, stereotyped or trivialized way.Films in this genre are often set in high schools, or contain characters that are of high school age. Sexual themes are also common, as are nudity and crude forms of humour.

  • 13. The codes and conventions of a teen film vary according to who the target audience is. Generally, the films include: American proms, alcohol, illegal substances, high schools, parties, raves, losing virginity and conflict with parents.The film also contains the traditional teen stereotypes such as: The jock, the prep, the cheerleaders, the geek, the loner, the outcast and the band geek.The films often used non-diegetic music which represents both the target audience and the characters featured in the movie. Codes and conventions
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